Monday, March 25, 2013

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Monday, January 7, 2013

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

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Miscellaneous into a lot of children, and the formation and also to do a little messy. Officers and men always dodging around the front of the children, especially those from the north flee from famine to out child .1905 years, China's rural areas except perhaps a little better outside of Sichuan and the beginning of the New Deal, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong and Guangxi, the bankruptcy of a large number of farmers, rural economy at the edge of collapse. Henan summer drought, it seems the autumn harvest hopeless farmers abandoned fields, to the south with his family to flee from famine north Shanxi Zhili not much better where to go! former officers and men are poor people, how can you bear these pathetic and a little naughty children out of team do?
How is it?! The whole team followed neatly parked down mixed with the moment can not stop himself amid the screams of children hit kettle or other hard objects ouch ouch.
The Longyang they do not go.
Feng Yuxiang went to an approximately eleven-year-old boy, the child's eyes reveals a share clever fresh, but for clothes really tattered, really do not like a beggar flee from famine.
The boy suddenly found to spend the big officers coming toward you on a shoulder, turned out to not be afraid to take the initiative to meet up.
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not a kind? small Sichuan, how can only put four hundred million of the country bankrupt farmers do?
The boy half did not speak, the red oozing eyes bloodshot, last stiff to hold back the tears, throw the word out. Feng Yuxiang've seen bad years, Shaanxi Gesanchaiwu, total famine, but mixed with the food you eat and grew up in the barracks, estimated not live down!
Blue dragon to guard battalion banners.
Behind, came the sound of a burst of applause praise people.
Feng Yuxiang made up his mind to take this raise the baby, and sent it to a school. Own Major's rates, and raised several orphans there is no problem, he temporarily forget that they walked toward the battlefield,

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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I secretly sigh, looking at the back in front Yelv Yong Yan shook his head bitterly.
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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

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Long at the crucial moment and forcibly that we 'are' word to remove.
The love affair is still no response.
Gregory actually keen to capture the love affair a little different, it jumped up, stepped into the void.
The bone dragon suddenly appeared on the battlefield, caused a great surprise!
Like to take this opportunity, Rogge led the crowd meal ruthless killing, finally temporarily push back the the already defeated Latvia cavalry Charlie assistance, Latvia infantry, his troops slowly receded.
The old magician vague to be heard, He did not know the answer to this question? Watching zombies and skeletons of densely crowded together, and anyone knowing the raw chill. Especially these undead or alive moments before the soldiers .
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But his command, no longer unable to pay.
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In a very distant, a Ruoyouruowu figure put away a huge longbow, before the encirclement of Latvian soldiers hidden into the shadows.
The sudden loss of the supreme commander of the Latvian army at once into a slight confusion.
Gregory proudly looked stare a bit, but found that it is the original target, the A Lei Gongguo recruits who, even has become undead. Commanded ranging Rogge, immediately turned to the Gregorian its second goal, the Latvian soldiers.
The bone dragon burst into silent roar, floating on the air. Eyes and the flame suddenly Dasheng, the entire body becomes a faint shadow in the head of the Latvian soldiers circled week, a large light blue Breath fall , dozens of soldiers and turned it into crystal carving.
Gregory then fly back to the group of undead over kill to go to the Latvian soldiers drive a group of terror! Bone dragon origin world of the dead, and serve the king in romance than these low-level undead really strong too The these little awareness zombies only unconditional obedience to the command from the bone dragon.
The first independent subordinate command of so many happy almost let Gregory dizzy, even temporarily, it really can not suppress the hearts of ecstasy After going back no matter how to be the masters of punishment are worth.
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Rogge personally led Spartak