Monday, August 27, 2012

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

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Monday, August 13, 2012

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Friday, August 10, 2012

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Formal statistics, there are thousands of Enchantment in humans, also retain the ability to think, less than one million, and the rest are some actions rely on wild instinct of Warcraft, although the lethality powerful, can appear on the battlefield role, but but do not work outside the destruction not to mention helping to build, just feeding of Warcraft is a very difficult problem.
Group of Warcraft can be driven, but can not be incorporated into one's own, the so Shichong do, is that nearly one million newborn magic still retain sanity, pull into one's own camp. Coercion and inducement, with more than 90% of the biological has human newborn magic as well, especially when they looked at his ugly look in the mirror and know can never be the reply to the old face of the many people give up on themselves the psychological, adding a totally strange Mozu allegiance to the big devil king.
Thus, within twenty days, Shichong new renovation of a demon army. At the same time, Xu Liewu personal charm of the old wheat Medici family forces, part Bailudong own army, some Al Valentino army, part of the magic man, assembled out of an allegiance to their magic mixed army, cross to the father Yin Zhen, despite the outstanding solid, but Mozu thus completed activities of military power in the human world.
When the Xu Liewu and Shichong have a personal force, as their leader Yin Zhen, issued summoned to make them.
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Monday, August 6, 2012

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Army Militia in Baoding has reached four million in Mukden, Militia 65 250 people, Jilin eight thousand people, the Heilongjiang one million people, 3,500 people in Shandong, Henan, 21 750 four thousand seven hundred people in Shanxi, Anhui, four thousand three hundred twenty six thousand nine hundred and thirty people in Jiangsu, Shaanxi, four thousand two hundred, three thousand seven hundred people in Gansu, Sichuan and five thousand, Henan, two thousand seven hundred 50 people,cheap oakley sunglass, 3,800 in Hubei, Hunan, one thousand, six thousand nine hundred and thirty people in Jiangxi, Guangxi, three thousand, nine thousand eight hundred and fifty people in Guangdong, Guizhou, sixteen thousand seven hundred people, Yunnan 15,500 people there were practicing military one hundred and fifty-eight thousand eight hundred and eighty people. Baoding and Guizhou, Yunnan Militia began to dress Western imports of modern rifles and artillery,fake oakley sunglasses, and its modern weapons imported from the West accounted for 50 per cent of the force is equipped with training in accordance with the the Hunan drill method, we can say that the Chihli and Guizhou, Yunnan practice military combat effectiveness is strong, and other provinces to practice military combat effectiveness, followed by our army now weapons weapons the Chihli Yunnan and Guizhou Militia compared not dominant, such as firing guns and mortars can be a lot of equipment our troops when leading Qing.
Based on intelligence, training Army in the north to join the south in the winter and spring season, the southern provinces of training Army build-up towards the Guangdong, Fujian and the Qing court to know what the Li degrees are wiped out after the reaction is, but the rapid expansion of the size of the Militia when not unexpected.
It is understood that the governor of Jiangxi youth nfl degree in Li captured his troops are wiped out greatly alarmed, and now in addition to the tune Jiangxi Militia and twenty thousand Xiangyong guard Nanchang, still Guixi to send ten thousand Xiangyong guard In addition, because our military victories, and these days Jiangnan generally under a heavy rain, the troops extremely fatigue, Zeng subordinate ministries stopped Tianjing Tianjing peripheral Taiping army continue to attack each base addition to other ministries outside Ningbo Tso and Li Jiangnan Qing temporarily on the defensive, and very conducive to our military break I do not know Big Brother how you look?
Fujian Zhang Jun, a long time ago multiply the enemy empty rain in Fujian Minnan battle, the eradication the Qing various units of two million people, my first army expanded to four million people this month, in addition to the establishment of twenty thousand local troops. the liberation of the House Xinghua, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou Prefecture Longyan Zhili large tracts of land. Fujian, in addition to the three city of Xiamen, the sky, Zhaoan western Fujian Tingzhou, in some areas of the construction Ning Fu, Yanping government in most areas, the Shaowu House also other all the towns and villages in the Qing in the hands has become our base, Zhang long the troops to the Minxi battle after short-term rest, the total liberation of the provinces of Fujian, and I do not know Big Brother think how?
Fifth Division has been to reach Wenzhou Wenzhou side of the second army of three million people, the local forces 10,000 people, I do not know brother you over there how? There is the last to follow independent three brigades to those ordinary people to Wenzhou selected part of the able-bodied into the work of the military factories, military factories of our existing staff of more than three thousand people, the establishment of a military factory in Fujian Kiriyama Wenzhou Taishun mountains, are the mortar volume today, each would be able to the production of mortar thirty five hundred rounds of mortar shells; Spencer's firing gun is now improved to begin pilot production

Saturday, August 4, 2012

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

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An Siwei been thinking about the heart to send Pavilion in fusion at the headquarters together, However, the master of the heart to send those Xiange Sanxian like the Yunfeng fairy no one heard his plans have been dashed, and now the opportunity to the strength of the heart to send Xiange scattered, his first stand up and agree. Yunfeng fairy later led the heart send Xiange rebellion, first in the intelligence Zheng Yanxia child. dispersed intelligence network of the heart to send Xiange acquired can be distributed among the other masters, one day remove this hidden danger.
Dong Xiaolin heart happy heart to send those Xiange agent master of all masters, have a master, his better intelligence network, he has just heard the peach door, he is not familiar with peach doors, as intelligence the head of the Department, the headquarters of his message is the most knowledgeable,san diego chargers jerseys, peach door of the forces on each planet he knew, if can Peach doors combined that a big net spread in the universe, therefore,womens nfl jerseys, can not wait to Road : nfl smiles: