Tuesday, December 25, 2012

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Miscellaneous into a lot of children, and the formation and also to do a little messy. Officers and men always dodging around the front of the children, especially those from the north flee from famine to out child .1905 years, China's rural areas except perhaps a little better outside of Sichuan and the beginning of the New Deal, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong and Guangxi, the bankruptcy of a large number of farmers, rural economy at the edge of collapse. Henan summer drought, it seems the autumn harvest hopeless farmers abandoned fields, to the south with his family to flee from famine north Shanxi Zhili not much better where to go! former officers and men are poor people, how can you bear these pathetic and a little naughty children out of team do?
How is it?! The whole team followed neatly parked down mixed with the moment can not stop himself amid the screams of children hit kettle or other hard objects ouch ouch.
The Longyang they do not go.
Feng Yuxiang went to an approximately eleven-year-old boy, the child's eyes reveals a share clever fresh, but for clothes really tattered, really do not like a beggar flee from famine.
The boy suddenly found to spend the big officers coming toward you on a shoulder, turned out to not be afraid to take the initiative to meet up.
Total Lord, I want to soldier, when bald soldiers. Feng Yuxiang heart GeDeng, he noticed that the child clothes tattered and dirty, but kept clean,oakley ca, who did not flee from famine as dirty phenomenon. Obviously, this child had a good tutor, perhaps the scene prior to the home is also good north the north this year is how the matter?
not a kind? small Sichuan, how can only put four hundred million of the country bankrupt farmers do?
The boy half did not speak, the red oozing eyes bloodshot, last stiff to hold back the tears, throw the word out. Feng Yuxiang've seen bad years, Shaanxi Gesanchaiwu, total famine, but mixed with the food you eat and grew up in the barracks, estimated not live down!
Blue dragon to guard battalion banners.
Behind, came the sound of a burst of applause praise people.
Feng Yuxiang made up his mind to take this raise the baby, and sent it to a school. Own Major's rates, and raised several orphans there is no problem, he temporarily forget that they walked toward the battlefield,

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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Three or four times a day can, of course, these job must be completed within an hour in the morning. Lambert President explained that: the players went to the locker room, to see a dirty room, and certainly will not dry awkward !
During the day, he has to clean the training ground surrounding areas, ball? Oh, forget introduced Dong new every day in football when players? ......... Spot within the end it passed out of the side (bottom ) line, he will Bigfoot ball open back inside!
Lambert every day standing in the window of the Office of the President 'oversight' directors, although he knew DONG definitely not lazy!
... his salary is only half of the ordinary 'British workers' children this decade also can not touch a good thing! DONG really think so stupid? Knows, two 周瑜打黄盖 a wish to make a wish to suffer ~ ~!
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Two men seated, the old man is the first self-introduction: smart people will be stupid! Wilkinson look new to the Board, asked: Directors face a sudden flush! So not to face a dead old man!
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

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 of the time is spent in silence rarely speak occasionally speak only agreed with my views, but added Yelv Minning put forward many constructive suggestions. panoramic view of his performance,mens north face jackets, I could not help but feel endless sneer , but on the surface of my relationship with him is very harmonious and casual, as usual.
Unwittingly day regular transit, lunch time.
Three to stop the discussion, side by side out of the conference room, walked straight to the center of the camp's dining area. Thorns Fort built in a short time, the kind of able to accommodate tens of thousands of people with eating very large canteen have not had time to completion, so the temporary structures the hundreds of large accounts, specifically for soldiers three meals a day diet. perhaps experienced the genocide of the post-disaster mentality change, Yelu Yong Yan, a change in the aristocratic style of former high-ranking, regardless of the daily diet is related to the most ordinary soldiers as demanding The move makes his tribe the eyes of the whole Natty gradually establish lofty image, but unfortunately he did not cherish this hard-won, and have actually ambitious aspirations to higher positions of power as the capital.
I secretly sigh, looking at the back in front Yelv Yong Yan shook his head bitterly.
At this time, Yelv Minning's eyes just look over quizzically and asked: .
I had no time to verbally remind and Kankan only his right hand resting on his right foot, dark energy exhaustively transport. maintained this blow suddenl